Dr. Darcy E. Brunk is a 1995 Cum Laude graduate of Logan College of Chiropractic. He has practiced in the Dallas area since 1996. Dr. Brunk is the presiding President and CEO of The American Carpal Tunnel Institute providing non-surgical alternatives of successful treatment for Repetitive Stress Syndrome patients and head of Belfiore Wellness Center.
As a local resident of Rockwall, Dr. Brunk is passionate about serving his community and has developed a customized wellness and vitality program with one goal in mind: to address the deep causes of diseases and address them from the inside out, resulting in pain-free, optimum functioning wellness for his patients. He also offers Athletic Performance Enhancement, Pain Management and family chiropractic care. Dr. Brunk is a certified Avazzia Biofeedback Instructor teaching doctors of all disciplines the state of the art techniques of Avazzia technology. read complete bio here
Dr. John Haché, HD, ND, PhyD., DNM
Dr. John Haché, President and founder of 5-Element Therapeutics Inc., co-founder of Pacific Health Options Inc and Avazzialife, is a trusted professional partner of Avazzia. His expertise in neurotherapy, cryotechnology and biofeedback has been instrumental in providing valuable training to healthcare technicians and professionals incorporating the Avazzia Pro-Sport Biofeedback device into their practice.
John’s extensive training for Avazzia includes classroom, as well as numerous procedural videos. An enthusiastic advocate of Avazzia’s products and mission, John has also authored several product manuals for Avazzia that include: Biofeedback Basics, Cellular Makeover, Avazzia PRO-SPORT and Best RSI device manuals, levels 1, 2 & 3. read complete bio here
Gail Naas, LMT/CT
Gail has been both participant and speaker at numerous health industry seminars, workshops and conferences. She is currently an advanced instructor of body therapies at the American Institute in Margate, FL. During her tenure at the American Institute she has held positions as Director of Operations, Director of Accreditation & Licensure, Program Director for Colon Hydrotherapy and Director of Career Services. She also trains and mentors select Colon Hydrotherapists
Gail Naas has been a practicing Colon Hydrotherapist and body therapist since 1991. Her passion for Colon Hydrotherapy stems from her own dramatic health changes. Removing toxic waste from the large intestine allows all the others systems of the body to function more efficiently. “The positive changes that I see in my clients inspires me to continue educating people about colon hydrotherapy.”
Gail is excited to include in her therapeutic offerings the Avazzia Biofeedback Electro-Stimulation devices. AVAZZIA BEST-RSI™ and BEST-Pro 1™ devices and accessories for symptomatic relief and management of chronic, intractable pain, and adjunctive treatment in the management of post-surgical and post-traumatic pain. She is a qualified trainer for the Avazzia products. read complete bio here